Monday, August 9, 2010


A random camwhore picture of me. :B

School today. Exam next week. Only one week to study, didn't had he time before that because of the so many activities we had in school. Hope I manage to do better this term. :)
Enjoyed Connexion yesterday. I like it because I understand what they preach about the Bible, and I get to hear the views and opinions from people of other nation, race, background and experiences. The discussion was great.
I tod my friend who is a new believer about what they talked about last night. I explained and try to make her understand. She told me, if I didn't explain to her all these, she would have never understand or know more about Him. :) Although I'm no good in it, but thank God for speaking for me so that she could understand =)
Had a great time.
Passed up my poster art to teacher today, the competition for posters with the theme 'Reading is Fun' or something, don't know the exact translation to English. Something like, reading is a good habit. It's in conjunction with the library week or whatever they call it. Spent a lot of time on the poster.
Oh, can't wait for my order to arrive! Then I could create more things :B But exam is next week! Oh exam. Good thing is that it's just a small exam. Finals would be scary.
Oh please, give me the inspiration to study? Attending a seminar called 'Study Smart', but it's exactly the week after exam is over >< Nevermind, from there I hope I'll study smart for the rest of the times. Yes I don't like studying hard, just not my nature. :)
Life is short, the world is our temporary home. With the hope of Eternity, how would you change the way you live on earth? My motto says, live simply, give more, expect less! :)

Have faith!

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