Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sunset At Home

Couldn't capture much nice scenes since it was just infront of my home, but just love the sky color!

This was yesterday evening when the sun was setting.

Dark picture. Well, yesterday rained really heavily with really strong wind. Lightning was scary. Sounded like a storm. This was after the rain. That's a raindrop on a bamboo leaf. :)
Love sunsets.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Small Eyes See Big Things

Spent yesterday morning in the garden searching for little things to capture. You know, us humans are so used to viewing the world's dimensions with our own eyes. Now with digital SLRs, we capture what humans hardly notice :D
Getting closer to nature, creeping out like the little creatures do. I took the camera along and do what I do as myself. These pictures would be nice if I remembered to change the picture resolution to the highest. -.-
But oh well, it's just my first time taking bugs :) Had to crop, plus the image size that was set in the camera was 2352x1568, the smallest size. That's why this time around the picture quality is just bad, and so I'll just publish them in this size.

Housefly. Garden always has it. Even when I was little. I'll always remember going to the garden and getting tickled by houseflies on your legs.

This one has funky red and yellow colour.

It says: Pray that I won't stand on your food. Temptations, temptations.

Red eyes. Reminds me of Switchfoot's song.


So hard to capture a bee, it just flies non-stop and stop like a second. -.- Picture would be nice if the background is the garden. See how the bee grabs hold on the petal.

These red insects, I have no idea what they are. Never knew they look like red ants. I only know when I was little, I saw these red mini bugs one day on the seeds and got a fear of touching the seeds. -.-

Had to tip toes while taking this shot. Other plants and potswere blocking my way. Couln't reach my left hand over to block the contrasted sunlight. Yeah, both pictures are rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

Look at the bokeh! But I don't really think this picture is good because the colours are very similar and blends in with the background.

Three beautiful flowers. Like the colour :D One petal of each flower has yellow and blue in it.

And that's for yesterday. Look forward to take more pictures :)

Images are endless.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Domo-Kun! :D

Yeah man, domo! Love it, so cute xD

Wanted to make one super long ago like a year ago, but didn't have the inspiration to do so. So finally, yesterday came when I suddenly felt like sewing again.

I always wait for my inspiration to come before I make something. If I don't have the inspiration, I won't have the heart and patience to put the effort in. So last night, with full of heart, patience and inpiration, I did my sewing without poking my finger for the first time. Yup, that patient! *But I poked my finger while cutting the felt with my craft knife instead -.- Heh, but it didn't cut me so no worries :P

If I were to have that mouth, I'd be in anime world. Then Domo will come kill me for stealing his mouth.

The end product - Awesome! :D Made with T.H.E. (Time, Heart, Effort.)

Proudly present it to my blogshop! :D
Wee, check it out here!

Thanks for the support! :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Gardens & Mid Valley

Dad finally brought me to The Gardens & Mid Valley! After so long of waiting. Since last year man. Was awesome, went from about 10am till 4pm! xD First time mum and dad so patient shopping so long. Haha!
(Picture - Inside The Gardens mall)

Bought some stuffs, stationaries and craft tools. Jusco department there is so huge they have so much variety! Bought a moleskin-like book at a much affordable price, a square grid jotter pad, and a 1/4mm hole punch :D

Later on, had to search directory, here and there, just to find Art Friend.
I tell you it's like wonderland, they sell most of the things I never knew Malaysia would sell, I spent so long looking around! Too many things man, awesome! Bought a lino cutter, sad they don't have Speedball brand. Saw my dream watercolor travel kit. ._. RM79.90. I'll need to prove myself I will make good use of it before I allow myself to buy one. I asked if they have the Aqua painter paint brush, or the Pentel one, whatever similar, but the guy at the cashier don't know anything, and just asked me to look around and see. I looked but I didn't find it, so oh well.

(Picture - The bridge connecting The Gardens and Mid Valley)
Had an amazing lunch at the same old food court at Mid Valley, near the exhibition halls. Crispy chicken chop at RM9.90, huge piece of chicken, really satisfying. Most people who bought western food bought that.

Overall, had a great time. Thanks daddy and mummy for finally bringing me there :D Loves!

Friday, July 9, 2010

For A Cousin

This post is dedicated to a cousin of mine who is going to study further on public health at Harvard. :)

Wei Aun!

Picture taken at Pantai Seafood Restaurant, during his farewell dinner on Sunday.

He's an awesome cousin, and in some ways a nice role model.
- Shot taken in Kuala Terengganu inside the car.

Thanks for the happy and sad times, the ears as well as thoughts and advices, the fun and laughter, the risk taking and adventurous times, the motivations, the teachings and guidance, and so much more. You're a great cousin, so many things I want to learn from.

Thanks also for taking me out for a one week trip to Kuala Terengganu together with our bigger family at Uncle Koshy's place. It was an awesome trip and I really enjoyed myself and appreciate that unforgettable holiday. It is also unexpected that many of my dream wishes were acomplished there. Amazing moments!

Nice shot. Laughing pictures look happy! :D Haha. Made you a little meaningful gift. :)
(Picture after dinner at Pantai Seafood)

Thanks for everything. Take good care of yourself, have fun wherever you may go, forget BMI's without bone weight calculation, stay strong always and may God Bless You all the time. Have a great study there! =)
(Picture of Wei Aun and Jeremiah during sunrise in Kuala Terengganu.)
Keep in touch!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Lil Handmades For Heart Eco

I love rainbows! :D Hand drawn on a mini paperbag book of 20 pages. Added a butterfly charm on the top right corner too! Know what I like about my paperbag books? You get to do anything you want in it and get creative! Doodle, scrapbook, notes, memories, etc! And best is, using black or white pens on it are awesome! As in, you can't see white ink on white paper right? Yeah. :P

'Teddy loves' bookmark card, I call it! Yup. Don't know if such bookmarks exist, but I somehow invented 'bookmark cards' because anyone may use a bookmark if they read a book, and would hardly slot a greeting card in a book to bookmark it right? So turning a card into a bookmark is kinda cool(to me at least) because the receiver would use it instead of keeping it somewhere untouched for a long time. So I guess it would be great to have a bookmark card, if you're not afraid you would lose it while carrying around xD

And guess what? I am actually giving them away! Yup, through Heart Eco! :D

 Checkout my giveaway post here or simply click the above banner! :) Spent one full day on the computer just to create the banner. Love it! :P Anyway, the giveaway is in conjuction with Heart Eco's very 1st Anniversary and our Facebook page launch! Good to know that it is open to Malaysian AND International bloggers. Awesome! Do check it out! Thanks! :)

Thanks for all the supports from everyone of you, really appreciate them! ♥

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Garden Greens

Getting my first few tries of snapping pictures with the Canon EOS 500D.
Some settings aren't that good, but well, it's a good start! :)

6/29/2010 4:57:43 PM, Canon EOS 500D; 1/10s, f/5.6, ISO 400, at 55.0mm.

This was my first best picture taken with the camera. Love the dramatic focus of the object and the blur background effect! Wide aperture and small depth of field, that is. :)
6/28/2010 3:22:41 PM, Canon EOS 500D; 1/50s, f/4.5, ISO 640, at 33.0mm.

This is a Blood Lilly from the air well in my house. Or to understand, an indoor garden with no roof. Haha ._.
Yeah. I like this picture of it, the fact that it is taken halfway instead of the whole lilly like those on google images. :P

6/29/2010 4:53:10 PM, Canon EOS 500D; 1/10s, f/5.6, ISO 400, at 41.0mm.

A peek of the deck at the front of the house. :)

More pictures to come - stay tuned for upcoming posts!