Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hey guys.. Sorry for not updating lately =(
I've been very very busy.. And of all time when my exams coming...
I don't know what teacher teached since the previous exam was over.. As usual..
See, each time exams near, I lagi don't study.. I'm not those pro people who can study..
Oh well I'm me, I will try my best to =P
Hmm... lately, I had been playing and playing.
As usual don't know why, when exams near, I start to play stuff..
This time, sims 2... lucu betul =)
The last time I got to play sims was 5 years ago or something.. The old sims.. x)
Another thing is... I'm so busy.... I hate this word, busy. And yet I'm using it.
Projects... events... interests... Oh... and I miss my Puay Chai life again.
There I go again =.=
So nice there... can have PJK the right way.. Here, teacher just let us stay in class and daydream.
Xiao, no need exercise nih.. even sims 2 you don't exercise you become fat and walk like a cute little dungu =]
What else what else...
Right. I don't know what.
okay so.. I will still update... no worries =)
I need pictures =.=
nggak...........................!! exams near like 1 foot away 0.x
ok ok.... gotta study... oh I'll never success studying..
Woooohhh..... I just saw news O.O this F1 car flying like so long... smashing like smashed potato..
Aduh...... kesian... =/
Awala... this Sunday... I don't know what to do lah...
Everybody sure can't go out... exam nih really ar... ihh...=.= boringnye
aaaaaaaayak... x) Lol =P
Okay... Thats all so far..
Watch out for updates ;)
Thanks for reading =)

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