Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Back again. Haha.
Ok. Today.... Humans =Þ
We are humans.
All humans have feelings.
Humans cares.
Sometimes, when watching a show... something went wrong..
Lets say this bad guy is going to kill somebody... a citizen.
In our hearts, we will be like... oh don't kill don't kill... shoot.. somebody stop him la... yeeesh i hate it la... oh shoot, got knife... hey citizen run!! go go go go!!!!!!
Know what? something like that la kay. hahaha
That's because we are humans and we care =)
Then when comes to this part where we feel so nice and happy...
when this couple got back together after a big misunderstanding..
Which normally appears at the end of a movie..
Sometimes, we can end up crying.. like awwe...................
Yea. We care =)
Then also times when somebody in the movie died.. we can cry... too..
We care =)
Although it's just a movie.
Isn't it amazing?
It's like so wonderful... =) ahh... =]
Isn't it so cool... Like... we're all created with feelings, cares, love..
How wonderful =)

Thanks for reading =]

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