Monday, June 16, 2008


ExtrEme H!GH RetardEd uGLy

As night creeps deeper, I go high.... very high...
I laugh all night infront of Janning.
I talk to her and reply myself.
I laugh until I cry, and cry until I laugh.
If, you actually get what I mean =P
Janning took these pictures, kinda very long ago.
Ahem Jann, stop laughing. Eh I got one even retard one of you. C=<
Wait, I think its two........... Haha I post it I die ><
Waa, this Janning ar..
I make one shushi she take one shushi.
And squeeze a bunch of mayo on her shushi.
Eh, not fat enough ar haha
K la thats all for this post.
Thankyou for reading =]

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