Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tagged by Crystal.

6 people to tag:
1) Jescyn
2) Jesmyn
3) Lydia Miller
4) Nicola
5) Erin
6) Ching Sheung

6 things i'm passionate about:
1) PSP
2) Keyboards Casio LK-300TV
3) Declan
4) Friends
5) Chefs
6) Scrappers

6 things I say too often:
1) What to do
2) psp
3) Awe man
4) What the
5) (someone I see) is a boy/girl (opposite or correctly)
6) Er. Okay.

6 books i've read recently:
1) Under chef/bakings stuff
2) Under scrap/craft/art
3) No other books
4) Don't really read
5) No picture and bye bye
6) Now you know why I don't like to study ><

6 songs i can listen to again and again:
1) Canon
2) Declan's
3) Nice piano tunes
4) Some folk tunes
5) Jay Chou's
6) Coldplay's

6 things i learnt in Past Year:
1) Piano
2) An extraordinary type of patience
3) 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
4) Photographing
5) Everything about variety
6) Things can mean nothing but rubbish to someone, but precious like gold in other's eyes

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