Tuesday, September 23, 2008

22 September 2008 - Discovered Cookie Recipe

Yea! What a success! I'm so happy! :D
Remember my cookies? My dear cookies?
It was such a long time since I last made them.
I started making last year.
Then again this year for valentines.
And then now its back again!
I started early September.
That week, I made them with chocolate rice because my mum said she the chocolate chips are out of stock.
I followed the amount of the ingredients in the recipe paper because I forgotten how I changed it last time, as I didn't bake them for quite a while.
So... they were still the flat, but yummy cookies. Haha.
Oh, and they're kinda airy, like a lot of air, because that all raising flour is raising a bit too much hahaha.
I made some chocolate cookies too by adding on cocoa. But they're harder, you got to really crunch 'em.
So the next week after that, I made with chocolate chips.
They have shape this time ;) and I saved about 1 hour compared to the previous time.
I edited the amounts of this and thats stated in the recipe.
And this time, they're good looking and non-airy chocolate chip cookies.
But, one thing. Some of the cookies has many many many chocolate chips in it, and some has none.
Oh, and I still did some chocolate ones but added less cocoa. But still, its harder than the vanilla cookies.
So this week, I totally followed my own recipe.
And this time, I used both chocolate chips and rice, so that they're fair :)
And I reduced this, changed that, edited the heat, everything.
As I know actually many cookies recipe are basicly made from these ingredients, it's just the amount that makes the differences.
Oh, and I didn't make any chocolate cookies, as I know this recipe is specialised for my dear vanilla cookies ;P
Oh, and I saved 1½ hour compared to the first time.
Wooh, getting more efficient! ;)
Oh, and they're much less mess dude! Not like the other times, you'll see piles of this and thats unwashed ><
So after my discoveries, experiences and everything, I finally discovered the best recipe!

22 September 2008
Jesslyn Lai created her very own complete cookies recipe!
The cookies are soft yet crunchy, delicious and chocolatey, good-looking and well baked!
They're not too sweet, not too brown, not too uncooked, not so flat, not so oily, and most of all they're delicious!
I love the reactions of all of those who ate them, it was really surprising, they made me aware of this really good recipe!
Even my mum, for the really very first time, no bads at all!
She even said it's the best cookies compared to every other times I made!
Awwe, how touching! ;D

And my dear Malay friends, I promise, after raya kay?
I promise ;)

Maybe 10 years later, you'll find my cookies, chocolate truffles, cakes, cupcakes, muffins, brownies, everything in my dear shop! Hahaha seriously, it's my dream :) I can picture the design of everything, displaying all my art works. Gosh, they're wonderful :P
Thanks everybody, you all made my days really interesting and nice.
I look forward to each upcoming days with confident :)
Yes, you who is reading this now, I thank you again.
Without my dear readers, there's no today :)

Thankyou thankyou very much ;)

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