Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Who's? Mummy! =)

Happy Birthday!!
Last year... In the card I gave you... I wrote.
I asked you to be happy always :)
You said, you will be happy if I help you do housework, clean up my place etc etc
Don't need present also can etc etc
So. This year, I really don't know what to give you.
I was thinking and thinking............... and thinking............................................and thinking........
If I just go to a shop and buy you something...... won't it be the same every year, just ... I don't know.. plain?
So. I thought of last year. And flashed back what you said.
So I was thinking.. If I do all the housework, etc till the house is shining... and that's all.... like no fun la..
So I was thinking... hmm... how le.. hmmmmmmm.......
And......... got it!!
I know what!!!!
Ngehehehe >=)
So I made 8 coupons for you.
I wrote them on a rough paper in class.
Then do formal coupons for you at home :)
1) sweep and mop the entire house
2) wash all the dishes, wipe table
3) cook breakfast
4) cook lunch
5) cook dinner
6) wash your car
7) bath Turffy, bring him walk walk
8) water plants, feed fishes
These 8 things.... are what I really dislike doing.
Yeah you know... You'll always say this: Eh Jess later you clean up ah.
Hahaha. I really don't like doing them, although I know I will be a mama one day.
So while making the coupons, I was thinking... waaa.... have to do what I dislike so much T.T
I was like.... wa....... == haiz...
I don't care, I will do it to make you happy.
So I force myself to do all of them.
And on each coupon, I wrote: rate work done.
I gave you confetti's to rate 1-5 of how was the work done, good? bad? rate it!
I also gave you a cute bookmark because I know you use it, you always read.
So yup, for you, I do it. Just to make you happy.
I was thinking.... wow, mum's gonna smile when she finds this in the kitchen and opens it, because it's a rare thing I come up with the idea of doing all the housework!
I also thought... == you'll say this, yeala, should be like that la, help a bit ma.
Infact you should be doing it what.
Well.... oh well....
After school when you fetch me, I went into the car.
I was like nyehehehhehe >:) so mum, hows it?
And I really really really didn't expect this..
I spent so much time thinking what to do for you, even in school.
I think of ideas, what to include....
And this is what you say.... ' I know you copy one.. right? '
I am like what????????!
Copy? who did this before?
I said.... huh????
You say.... neh, from the advertisement one right, exactly the same...
I was like.... advertisement??? I don't remember seeing such advertisement!
Wow. Mummy. It hurts you know. T.T
Heart not broken enough? x.=
I made the present with love, usually just buy one... and this is what you say =(
I kept my tears. But cried. after few hours... in 1u... beautiful embarresment. <=)
It still hurts.. after so much stress in life... cuz I know you didn't open the present and smile heartfully... and the first thing that comes up is...... .... . ....... haih..
Well, but whatever it is, I done what I can do.
I made the present with love.
And they're just for you.
To see you happy, I shall do all the work I dislike.
I will try my best to let you rate 5 hearts for my work done =)
Happy Beloved Birthday Mummy!

God Bless You!
Mmmuuaaaakkkzzzzzz* xoxo

Thanks for reading! :)

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