Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Random things

I just used the US dollars for cooking academy ==
remember, the one I earned from Payperpost...
9.99... last time I spent 5... now left... 5 ==
Haha sesat la. Use Malaysia Ringgit better.
And the funny thing is... I a lil sien of cooking academy!
Hahahahahahaah sesat!!!!!!!
10 bucks wei. hahahaha!!
Wa.................................. sien.
Keep yawning whole day..
I feel like... I feel like going to the mini MPH few steps from my house..
At Bukit Kiara...
I feel like... staying at the apartment...
I feel like...... swimming there... 1 year didn't swim already...
And guess what, Step Of Dance, Henley and all.... were at my apartment shooting the film.
Can you believe it, my mum saw... ==
Awwe man.........................................................................................
I wasn't there you know.... T.T
I love the apartment... so cozy and nice =)
I love my home too, so beautiful and unique =)
I miss cycling.......
Who lives nearby...... please..... lets cycle to MPH =)
Sien you know.... boring la....
Now not busy already.....
Waste electricity go online only...
Dad made a table... wooden table...
Spent 2 weekends.
Super ultimate nice man!!
Do you know my bed, my sis' bed and my eldest sis' bed the wood, is made by my dad!
Even the kitchen cabinets...
Hoooh mucho mucho man, no wonder Janning and me also mucho mucho woman ahahahaha
Then when he almost finish, my uncle was there ma.. drop Chung Han here...
So he was chatting with him la.
Talk talk talk, suddenly I heard him say...
Neh, Jesslyn very good at carpenting mah. haha.
I was like... er.... eh... good... oh.... o..okay... hahahaha.
K la, its nice and interesting, but I seldom do those... Unless dad has woods he don't want =P
Which is very very seldom ==
I made a stool..... for fun... standard 4 or something..
Was meant for throwing after making.. but... It looked nice =P
So right now it's at the apartment I guess?
My dad can do everything lah =D
Can be a plumber, gardener, carpenter, medical stuff, lab stuff, science stuff, maths stuff, fix stuff, build stuff make stuff... cook stuff my mum don't know... which are usually good stuff =P
He's good at loads of things.... except.......................!
Playing musical instruments <=P and eh.... art n craft =P and.... don't know ==
what he don't know is unimportant stuff ==
Now I'm trying to form a habit of reading...
And talking about musical instruments........
My piano arhh!!!! fine, not mine....
The piano... is a gooooood piano.... but old already...
Janning la, never play..
Now the keys sesat.
how to play la................. T.T
Wanna relax, cool down, start playing let's say canon... suddenly this note no sound, that note half sound, then all you hear is vibrations.... ==
I really don't know the price of good keyboards...
But I surely can't afford it...
Maybe a PSP is possible... organ/keyboard.... i wish == oh well.
Dad even wanted to give the piano away.
All these while I wanna learn, last time few years old when Janning was learning, I learn too.
Very little... Then after a while... When it gets interesting...
one day.. I ask.. ma, why today didn't go piano one?
I keep asking... asking why... even when I know why...
Janning stop already, so I turut stop.. ==
Then I told mum I still wanna play but why I stop also one?
Then she say cuz Jann stop... == hahahahah
I still can remember you know.... such a sad thing...
Till finally, beginning of this year... when dad also wanted to give the piano..
I keep saying Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
He say, then keep for what, you also can't play!
T.T cuz i can't learn?
Now I'm learning >=P I love canon.... and I actually thought I will never play it with piano, its so hard........ but now its like, eh..... can what!! Hahaha
I love canon since....since.... 2004 ah? don't know, very long, when I know it I loved it, till now =)
Just like Jason Mraz I'm Yours..
Okay... signing off.
Bye =)

Thanks for reading! =)

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