Monday, December 1, 2008

Awwe : )

It was right infront of our house, so cool : )

The view from my house :)

What a wonderful night, it's 1st of December 2008. The stars and the moon made a smiley face for you and me!
It looks way much better when it's infront of you. ☺
Cheers people! I had quite a moody day, a day full of deep thinking, and at the point where the end reaches, it's just a new start.
I told myself today earlier, that after night comes, morning comes. I questioned myself and motivated myself, what comes after night? Hehe. >.^
The starz in the sky are always beautiful, and the moon too.
Each time I look up the sky at night, I'll search for the moon and the stars.
And when I see them, a smile naturally shines in my heart. ☺
This is my first time seeing such a wonderful sight in the sky.
Beautiful, awesomeness. :)

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