Haha, people like ME are born with such a character such that when the sun is out, I can't sleep well any more, so it's either to wake up or to sleep with a headache. * Don't worry, I'm not a nerd O.0" and I can never sleep during day time, since I was born I never take noon naps. Haha. Unless I'm sick lar, forced to do nothing but sleep -.-
So anyway, most of the time I'll go to bed early and wake up early.
It's really great and nice you know, you'll feel different and fresh and cool :P
You know what time I woke up yesterday?
6.55 a.m. hahaha! Because the sky is getting just slightly brighter and the temperature has slight difference already although aircond is still on.
Today I was awake at 6.30a.m, but planned to sleep more because I slept at 11+p.m.
So at 8.30a.m. dad woke me up and asked me whether I want to follow them to breakfast at the coffee shop nearby. The usual place.
So oh well, in order to wake up in a fresh way, I push myself up and then we went to eat breakfast.
After walking back home, I asked my dad to bring me go cycling..
1st we went to the quiet park, we got a small log of wood home, small yet heavy, dad looked so funny balancing on the bike with that wood hahaha! And when we're near home, he got out of balance so he throw the wood down to get back his balance, we both laughed like mad!! Hahaha it was a funny one ;P
Then after putting the wood at home, off we went to the popular park in TTDI..
Again I saw skateline teaching skating. We saw many many people having picnic..
Oh so cool man, we saw this group of.. I guess they're tourist? They really have the cool picnic basket, picnic mat and all, and dad said the picnic basket has compartments for utensils and food etc... haha cool man :)
Then we saw people doing shooting, a girl modeling there..
Hmm what else...
Yea so after that, we went cycling around.. I forced my dad to go around TTDI, not just the housing areas at Lorong Haji Openg xD
He always say this, no lah, so dangerous, got car some more ar -.-
Then we went to Datuk Sulaiman.. I told him to cycle through the cycling path beside the main road area, so after rounding around we went there.
How cool it was, so bumpy! Haha like horse riding, and best of all it's just slightly down hill, just slightly only, so all you gotta do is keep breaking, lift your ass away from the seat so that you won't feel too bumpy, and yea enjoy the ride! ^^
It's bumpy because of the big tree's roots. And it's not sunny at all, it's shaded by big tree's all the way ;)
Some of the roots are quite big, so it's like a real high bump, so you gotta get ready and stand higher haha! Cool eh :P
We cycled for about one and a half hour.. And yea you know TTDI there are slopes everywhere so it's good for exercising.. and we cycled on the grass at the quiet park.. just set the gears and go!! Haha. Mountain bikes are good =P And cycle, cycle, walk, walk, go green!! Haha
Look at my mood... So nice hahaha!! Morning is an important role in my day's mood haha just don't spoil it, and it will be a great day =P
Cheers people!
Thanks for reading! ^^ Sorry if I sound nerdy in this post, I think I somehow do ><" Hahaha
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