Imagine that's mine... wahhahahahahaa
Nola maybe not really for wearing.. one size only mar right?
Movie Magic left the FFVII or FFXII (I forgot).. RM9.90..
I only watched few minutes of FFVII Advent Children... quite nice one la, but I was sleepy, so went to sleep.
Quite long ago when they showed it on one of the Malaysia TV channel.
About exam now..
Look at me :D I'm always not studying man... sad T.T
I really can't catch up already if I don't start studying next year.. Outdated like mad..
So let's not talk about exam.... ;)
Avril Avril.... I'm listening to her newest album now..
Quite nice ;) Go listen ☺
Oh yea... I don't know if my mum was serious when she shouted and say that I can't make anything anymore... As in baking, cooking, craft, you know... my interests...
But no lah I don't really think so.. If it's true right.... then how come she said this today in the car? ;)
Ahh I remember now ^^ she saw a Jeep... it looks really new... as if it's a new model too.
She was saying, eh, got new Jeep meh? Eh how come got new Jeep ar? If really got maybe I can buy then give my Unser to Janning..
Then I said, whoa spend so much on Jeep?
Sponsor me RM100 I can buy PSP already...*jokingly, I know she won't one la
Surprisingly.................... she said, you good I can sponsor you RM200 ar....
Hahahahha I was like so surprised ahhahaha!!
But true or not.... a lot of times we all say only one hahaha!
Hope it's real man :P
And then I'm not sure to buy PSP after camp or during Christmas time...
I don't know if got offer..
If Christmas time, then for 1 month I'm gonna say 'what to do' every minute..
And then I don't think santa's gonna give me a psp for Christmas right... Santa is like... anyone can wear the costume and go HO HO HO!! Hahaha ><
Actually ahh.........................
psp is nothing much to WOW at... as in you know, if you own a psp and have nothing interesting inside it, boring right?
So it depends on what movie you have, what new song, ebook, game... just a mini portable console ;)
And guess what, my parents are kinda like accepting the fact that I craze over psp xD
Funny man... remember how hopeless I sound beginning of this year? Like I can't even say that world infront of them... ahhaha
And because I really want it, I have to face them, let them scold me kao kao first...
And now.... ahhhhhh it's kinda over :D I'm so glad!!!
After scolding for years since standard one... takkan scold for life mar right ;)
Want to get one at Lowyat... but very far... Quite near la but it's 'so near yet so far', it's just across Bukit Kiara, from what dad said.. but we gotta go one big round and follow the road..
I guess you have to have the pass to go up and down the hill straight to KL... is there such thing anyway? ><
Kay anyway... I don't really hear it online but Digital Mall Seksyen 14 is the place my dad always go for his computer stuff...
I heard this fella talking bout a fake ps controller that the game shop person say it's original -.- yep in Digital Mall...
Quite hard to get real good dealers you know...
Actually I know this dealer, trusted la. Sells quite cheap, imported from US.. BUT!! Only black colour T.T Why lar why...............................................
Then 1U I asked the game shop, RM800 for Slim... siao.. Now it costs only RM600+ full set also got.. hard to find lar, but if you take the time to find sure can one..
I find for approx 1 year already, all got lacks one...
No usb cable lar, 2gb memory card only, black only, what area only etc etc -.-
Whoa.. funny how I post up FF picture and talk so much on psp...
Jesslynnnn.... -.-
Then oh yea... one of these few days mum asked me if I dare to go back Singapore alone this holiday (by Aeroline bus), teman my grandma, aunt and all...
Then say they sure bring me out whole day one ><
Haha actually after thinking right, I guess it's quite ok la..
But must own a psp to entertain me...
I entertain everyone, I need something to entertain me also, especially 5 hours in the bus?? 0.o
But one thing I scared is during the immigration.. Got 2 stops one, one is for luggage, check if you got bring anything that is not allowed, another is chop your passport..
So if I'm being goon, I don't know what am I suppose to do at which stop and what must I bring down and all ahha! Listen to what the announcement say isn't so good, not clear one -.-
Actually can lor, go Singapore ;)
Don't need bring much cash also, mum pay for bus fair, I just bring tickets, then reach at World Trade Center there Vivo City mar, ask my aunt to fetch me, kao tim ;)
Quite cool la, then it will be quite a cool holiday... Cuz mum was like saying, WHOA then what are you going to do this holiday? Then she mentioned about the whole thing I just wrote xP
Everything can one............................................................................... But daddy? Haha no lah....
He can continue talking about how will I end up there and everything, laugh and talk talk talk, but all TALK only one, if you ask - real one wor? He will laugh and say you mad ah? ><
HAHAHA!!!!! Aiyo.... funny man ><
Hey blogging kinda entertained my afternoon... =P
Yea and skip my studying time right? Yea... but since when I studied at home? -.-
School got la, half hour before taking the subject ><"
This time really dead, all form 1 till 2 stuff..
K la I wanna go flower picking in my garden now ><
I just made a cool flower press yesterday ^^
Thanks for reading! ☻
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