So they had it in Malaysia.
We went beginning from the year 2006. It's held at 1 Utama rainforest.
Usually, Intaller Musikanten (something like that) will have peformances, but this year, just normal local singers.
I can tell, for the past few years, all the senior citizens can enjoy and stay up late while the teens just sit and watch(not so hyper la) whereas this year, it's just totally opposite. Haha!
Having Germans to sing, to peform, it's more traditional and all... Oktoberfest... Germans!
Yea but oh well, the teens really did enjoy themselves :D
Okay la, fair fair, the older and younger people get to enjoy in alternate years ^^

This is the RM1 beer - Warsteiner
Ja ja ja!!

Intaller Musikanten (something like that? ><)

I don't really know why that was there.. haha, but got 'models' too

2006, I was primary 6. I don't know Ju Kit yet. Then this year I found him in our family pictures. Hahahahah!

These are for buying.

The 'models' I was mentioning ><

Look man, the German guy sat with us for quite a long time ;D

We laughed like mad... Ali is a great entertainer... Really. (He named himself Ali as a nickname since he's in Malaysia ;) )

Hahah, cool leh... Ali drawing my dad. xP

Artist, artist :P
Haha, Taiwan Shih Lin chicken pulak.
Local people peforming German dances. (I guess)

He dancing

Te daaa!! (2006)
The pork
Me and Chung Han
Human. I know you know that. Still read some more.. haih. hahaha ><
Eh, this is 2007 i guess... all mixed... -.-
yeah this year
Ju Kit and Yuan Ping like so emo and sien looking haha
Beer beer people clothes floor :D
One ghost shaking
Look at the queue
Click to enlarge. Laugh.
Anyway it was second day's pics
My beloved.. but drank 1 bottle only -.- and first time Heineken. Wahahahahha!! Didn't get high or drunk before. Not even a red face. I don't drink alot. But well, cool man, I can control ;)
Another one
Uncle, Han, Me
I'm there on the event on one of the best!!! cheers!
haha, cool u went Penang's Oktoberfest, the Germans were there haha :P Thanks anyway ^^
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